You Provide the Memories. We Help You Glow.
Sparking connection through writing. Kindling stories into legacy.

Winner, WILD Accelerator
Female Founders, 2018
Sparking connection through writing. Kindling stories into legacy.
Winner, WILD Accelerator
Female Founders, 2018
Watch how we spark imagination, memory and create friendships.
COVID-19 has caused all of our lives to change dramatically.
We knew Feet to the Fire Writers’ Workshops® had to change too. More people feel isolated now than ever before during pandemic life. To help you, your family and friends feel actively engaged, we are proud to offer our consumer version– Feet to the Fire Writers’ Workshops® Writer’s Kits and Virtual Groups to help you start writing as a tool for self expression, ease the burden of lonesomeness, and provide much-needed connection to others.
We’re here to help you write down your own stories and find purpose in thinking back on fond memories to bring joy.
Feet to the Fire Writers’ Workshops® is a licensed program designed for use in senior/assisted-living communities and wellness organizations. Created to compliment aging adults’ personal activity schedules, our writing program provides an opportunity for lifelong learning and excellent emotional wellness experiences. We deliver the creatively-designed materials, inspired experiential training for your staff and support to help you light the fire for writers in your community!
Stories Written Through Our Workshops
Writers Since We’ve Started
People Turning 65 Daily
People Over 65 by 2035
States We Are Burning Brightly In
Writing allows for introspection, self-dialogue, and in Feet to the Fire Writers’ Workshops®, we nurture emotional well-being. The act of writing provides cognitive exercise and sharing your stories opens you up to others. It’s that simple. We need to be heard. And connected.
Some legacy programs capture the story for you. We do legacy differently…YOU are the best authority on YOU. We encourage people to work hard to write the stories of their own life. They do the revisions, the edits, the stretching. And there is no “wrong way”. We give people the freedom to express themselves.
People want accountability and purpose, especially as they age! They want to know that their worlds matter. We ask a lot of them. We ask them to dive into the act of thinking about certain prompts, writing about stories they might not otherwise share. It’s personal and we know it adds meaning. The beautiful results: authentically-written stories that will last forever.
Angela Burton, Founder of Feet to the Fire Writers’ Workshops®, was inspired by her father, Joe Kirtley, who left a legacy of stories, essays and poems when he died. He needed connection to the world he’d once found comfort in, a “voice” and purpose to be heard as he aged. Feet to the Fire provides meaning for many, through the act of expressive writing. It works because it’s built around the human need to belong. It’s all about PURPOSE. Burton holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts and has been inspiring writers for more than 25 years.
We are great at kindling fires. Just ask us…